to be +
past participle
+ It’s
done. It’s being done. It was done. It has been done. It
will be done.
- It’s
not done. It’s not being done. It wasn’t done. It hasn’t been done. It
won’t be done.
? Is it
Is it being done? Was it done? Has
it been done? Will it be done?
Passive can also be formed with modal verbs.
Can it be
done? It can’t be done. It should be done. It would
be done. It might be done.
1. We choose a passive structure when we
focus on the action itself rather than who performs the action.
is grown in
new machine has been installed.
company was founded in 1996.
2. We can use by to mention who performs an action.
her clothes are designed by Armani.
The first computer was invented by
Alan Turing.
3. We often use the passive to describe a
process, system or procedure.
a product is launched focus groups are set up and a name is chosen. Potential consumers are asked to give their impressions,
and these are matched against the
desired brand image.
4. We often use the passive in impersonal
constructions beginning with it. (in
reports, meetings)
was agreed that the budget should be
was decided to implement the new
policy immediately.
Ažurirano (Petak, 05 Lipanj 2009 06:28)
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