ja sam |
I am |
ja nisam |
I am not |
Jesam li ja? |
Am I? |
ti si |
you are |
ti nisi |
you are not |
Jesi li ti? |
Are you? |
on/ona/ono je |
he/she/it is |
on/ona/ono nije |
he/she/it is not |
Je li on/ona/ono? |
Is he/she/it? |
mi smo |
we are |
mi nismo |
we are not |
Jesmo li mi? |
Are we? |
vi ste |
you are |
vi niste |
you are not |
Jeste li vi? |
Are you? |
oni su |
they are |
oni nisu |
they are not |
Jesu li oni? |
Are they? |
Češće se koriste skraćeni oblici glagola biti.
Skračeni oblici – Contracted forms |
Affirmative |
I'm... We're... You're... You're... He's, he's, it's... They're... |
Negative |
I'm not... We aren't... You aren't... You aren't... He/she/it isn't... They aren't... |
I. Nadopiši zamjenice he, she, it, we, they
e.g. Tom-he
1) Mary and I - _______________
2) a book - ___________________
3) Children - _________________
4) Mum - ____________________
5) a hospital - _________________
6) Liza and Tom _______________
7) France - ___________________
II. Nadopuni rečenice s glagolima is, am ili are
e.g. My name is Marie. I am from Spain.
- You …… from Bulgaria.
- This is Pierre. He…… a teacher.
- My name is Louise. I …. From Scotland. I ….sixteen.
- This is Natasha. She ….. from Russia.
- This is Pierre and his son Riko. They …… from Monaco.
- My friend …….. ten years old. He ….a student.
- We … assistants. We work for TESCO.
- You …….in the room.
- Tom and Mark ……in the park. They……friends.
- Derek ………at home.
- Mary and Kate ……… from Poland.
- My teacher ……… very good.
- My parents ……… very happy.
- His friends …….. on holiday.
- Michael Douglas …… actor.
- I ……..a farmer.
- Damian's mother … London.
- My father and I ……. at the market.
- This bank ……. big.
- It …….her dog.
- Frank and Patrick ………students.
- They ……… interested in history.
- My school ……..the best.
- Nick ……..18 years old.
- You ……..late!
- Sorry, you ……. too young.
- Warsaw …….the capital city.
- I ……. Lucas and he …… Frank.
- He …….from Croatia.
III. Pretvori pozitivne rečenice u negativne i postavi pitanje.
e.g I am Mary. I am not Mary. Am I Mary?
- a) Mark is a good student. …………………………….........................
- b) We are friends. ...................................................................
- c) I am very intelligent. …………………………………………....................
- d) John is my best friend. …………………………………………..................
- e) Laura and Tom are happy. …………………………………………............
- f) The dog is very angry. …………………………………………...................
IV. Pretvori skraćene oblike u pune oblike i postavi pitanje.
e.g. Kim’s in the park. ……Kim is in the park…. Is Kim in the park?...
1. We’re at school. ………………………………...
2. I’m very short. ……………………………………
3. They aren’t hot. ………………………………..
4. Ken isn’t angry. ………………………………….
5. Eli’s very sad. …………………………………….
V. Pretvori pune oblike u skraćene oblike.
e.g. Kate is a very nice girl, but Tom is not so friendly.
………Kate’s a very nice girl, but Tom’s not so friendly….
1. That is the end of the lesson. It is time to go home.
2. We are not brothers but we are cousins.
3. I am the tallest in my classroom but I am not the oldest one.
Ovo je kraj lekcije, nadam se da ti je sad malo jasnije kako se tvori present simple glagola "to be".
Ažurirano (Četvrtak, 22 Ožujak 2012 10:24)
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